Sunday, March 6, 2011

I love couponing and love being able to share my techniques with others.  I give tips and I share my deals whenever I have any. What I find frustrating are the negative remarks I see posted when I post my consulting fees. Most of us have to work to manage our daily lives. Coupons have made it much less of a burden on me. However I do still have to pay bills just like all of you.  I would hope  you would understand  that. So that when you send a two page attachment with questions. I ask you to sign up for a personal consult with me. Since consulting is my business. Thanks .  Looking forward to your comments.


  1. I thought my comment was posted the other day!! I can't believe anyone would expect valuable information for can help each of us to save alot of money and live better lives. I'm not sure what the fee is but can't imagine its hat high!! I intend to call today and see if she will help me with my family couponing. I've been using coupons for a long time but obviously need more help.
    Take care Miss Joyce, there will always be a few people like that out there.

  2. Thank you so Much Robin. Most save the fee in their first shopping trip.

  3. I think the price for your webinar is reasonable. Honestly, I expected it to be more. Anyone who expects to learn the information for free should go out and figure it out on their own.

  4. I think that you not charging for your services would make people nit respect this valuable information! Do your thing girl, it makes sense!

  5. Who ever thought of getting information from a consultant for free is out of their mind! It's a service, and folks should pay for services, especially when it saves them MUCH money over the course of their lives.

  6. You have helped so many Save so much! You have shared alot of tips through tv segments and computer. If someone wants to complain, maybe they don't understand what goes on behind the bargains. How much time is put into finding the deals and using them. Keep up the good work! You are worth it!

  7. Hey Miss Joyce. True, you still do have bills as we all do. I was wondering when the reschedule will be for. Don't think you replied to my email with a date yet. Thank you and have a great day!

    Kaiulani Flores

  8. No one should expect you to do this for free when you are offering such valuable advice and if so then let them figure it out for themselves and see how far they get .Thanks for all of your advice and I wish you could come to Alabama and teach me more lol..

  9. thank you for your words of encouragement.
